Cyber Europe 2016

Cyber EuropeOn 13th and 14th of October Possible Security took part in “Cyber Europe 2016” — the largest and most comprehensive EU cyber-security exercise to date. Cybersecurity authorities and cybersecurity experts from more than 300 organisations from all 28 EU Member States, Switzerland and Norway, reacted to a series of unprecedented, coordinated cyberattacks.

Exercise scenario included massive distributed denial of service attacks as well as disinformation campaign and sabotage of critical infrastructure, and featured the Internet of Things, drones, cloud computing, innovative exfiltration vectors, mobile malware, ransomware, etc.

Amongst the goals of the exercise was testing the ability of national and governmental cybersecurity agencies, ministries, EU institutions as well as internet and cloud service providers and cybersecurity service providers to safeguard the European Digital Single Market and creating recommendations to improve cybersecurity in Europe. After-action report will be made publicly available in the first half of 2017.

Exercise was organised by ENISA, the EU Agency for Network and Information Security. Possible Security is honoured to have been invited to participate in “Cyber Europe 2016” and be part of the solution together with our governmental and business partners.

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